So, today I *attempted* to play tennis.
Again. (>_<)
After a long period (again) of not playing. (^^;) Kae invited me to try out the tennis court in Marquinton.
Problems that we didn't anticipate, though: the net wasn't secure, and a basketball hoop (WTF?) was consuming nearly one side of the tennis court. I take it that the court is barely used at all. (^^;)
Nonetheless, we tried. (^^;)
tried being the key word (^^;;)

No, really, i tried to stretch. and this is the only way i can touch my toes. LOL.
(...Stop laughing at my shirt okai >_<)
We ended up hitting tennis balls against the wall, and this was the result:
This happened THREE times. (^^;)
And the first time (the above picture) the ball was caught so deep in the chain links that we had to ask a guard to use a stick and prod it out. we couldn't reach it as the wall was twice our height.
The other two times, the ball wasn't caught so deep, but it was still stuck. Enter my genius plan:

Yes, it is a Haro. In my bag. Don't ask me--he wanted to see the tennis court. (>_<)
You guessed it.
...I used the Haro with my tennis racket in order to get the chain link fence to release my tennis ball. (^^;)
And it worked, mind you.
Yay for Haro~!! He saved my tennis balls (^o^)/
Labels: accomplished, lolwhat, random, tennis