My Idols

I love these men, they are amazing and have made an impact on my life.

Copyright Issues?

This blog's coding is (c) Wan Kimm, 2009. Just tweaked it a bit. All icon links to other blogs are made by me. Images for the actor's icons are taken from the header images of their official blogs. I am in no way affiliated with these artists or their agencies.

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And this morning I had to get up early for an exam at AHEAD. If any of you guys recall, I applied as an academic tutor in hopes of getting a part-time job. They gave me an application form to fill out along with an IQ test, an English exam that covered both grammar and reading comprehension, a Math exam and a Science exam. It was pretty mind-wringing. Even though I normally do pretty well in English, I found myself stumbling over some questions in test paper. (>_<) I'd actually go so far as to say that I think I did better in the Math and Science portions than I did in English--and Math is my epic weakness, save for Geometry. (>o<)

Well, at the very least I was able to get through it. I'll be texted the results of the exam and if I pass, I'll be giving a teaching demo for them. (^^;)

Well, on a much brighter note, we just bought some ice cream from the grocery today. We got two flavors, cheese and double dutch, LOL. (>w<)b
Cheese ice cream with chocolate syrup. 8D My personal weird concoction that no one else will touch. ROFL. (^w^)/

And for lolz, i close this entry by saying:
"Niou est le fromage." (^o^)

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