The parties are over! I am recovering from the Christmas aftermath. (>o<)
My Christmas day was spent among relatives from a certain side of the family, at our annual Christmas reunion. Most of the time my generation takes the chance to put on a bit of a show, after which we get money and gifts as rewards. This year i played the violin for them for the first time, earning me a lot of awed expressions. (>_<)
Considering that i learned these Christmas carols only by ear and practiced for only two days before Christmas, I'd say I did pretty well. I've only had 4 violin lessons my whole life and that wasn't enough to learn the finer points of playing. in addition, I haven't picked up the instrument in a while. (^^;)

Christmas eve, on the other hand, is normally spent with yet another side of the family. we went to a cousin's house for the traditional Christmas Eve dinner, where we had an unusual combination of food. Sure, we had creamy seafood pasta, roast pork and mashed potatoes (normal), but it kind of got weird when the tuna sashimi came out. (O_o) I certainly raised an eyebrow to that. My mother and i posed next to their Christmas tree later on--if you'll notice, it's decorated with a LOT of stuffed bears. (^^)
I was still tired from my reunion with my friends, so i kind of conked out sometime after dinner. thankfully my auntie allowed me to stay in a quiet room to rest. I woke up after gifts had been distributed--and i discovered a box of Earl Grey tea among some of our spoils. (^o^)/
slightly less pleasing was the pair of M&M patterned boxers that somehow made its way into my pile of gifts. No matter--they are comfortable for sleepwear or house clothes, albeit embarrassing. (^^;)
It always feels nice to lie down after a tiring day. I'm glad the holidays are over--I can finally have a good night of uninterrupted sleep! That is, unless my brain decides to creep me out with a weird dream. (>_<)
HAPPY HOLIDAYS, EVERYONE! I hope your Christmases have been as fulfilling as mine. (^o^)/
Labels: accomplished, family, holiday, item get, madness, party