My Idols

I love these men, they are amazing and have made an impact on my life.

Copyright Issues?

This blog's coding is (c) Wan Kimm, 2009. Just tweaked it a bit. All icon links to other blogs are made by me. Images for the actor's icons are taken from the header images of their official blogs. I am in no way affiliated with these artists or their agencies.

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Internet death (;_;)

Today I should have been in Laguna with my family, but being slightly lacking in rest (in my opinion i guess) I stayed home and used the internet. and ate. of course. (^^)
I present to you my fried rice creation (^o^)
I've never eaten so much for breakfast before. (>o<) Looks like i'll have to cut down on my food intake~

Well, i downloaded a lot of stuff, and ogled Nakagauchi Masataka's videos and tried to dance. hahaha. God i suck. (/sweat)

that is until I lost the phone line and internet. (>_<)

Again. (>o<)

So. Thank goodness I availed of that Smartbro promo, because it's the reason i can blog now. (^^;)

Aaaaaah~ First day of school tomorrow !! (>_<)

I don't think I'm ready at all. (^^;) Maaaaaaa~

Let's see how it goes, eh? (>o<)

Byebye !! (^_^)/

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