I would like to thank SmartBro for providing me with an internet connection in these troubled times !! (^o^)/
Even if sometimes, it sucks too. (>_<)
Well, since i was too lazy to blog yesterday, I give you details and lol.
Yesterday I used Spam to make my lunch, and ended up with
Spam Musubi.

Today though, i rolled it like sushi to make eating easier.

I was bored. And now I need to think of more lunch choices. (^^;)
So, yesterday's events:
Kae showed me a Masa look-alike in this manwa (??) she bought:

I'm rather stunned and amused, actually. Aside from the long bangs, it *does* kind of look like Masa. (LOL)
After a while, though, i met up with Ochibi !! (^o^)/

We apparently have matching glasses now. (^^;)
We had donuts...

And camwhoring madness ensued.

We are, undoubtedly, very crazy. (/>o<)/
Ochibi, remind me to give you the full size of these photos sometime. Photobucket has image size issues and my internet isn't very reliable at the moment. (^^;)
I hope PLDT fixes their issues soon--i'm not too happy with their service at the moment. (>o<)/
Smartbro can only do so much! Mou. (._.)
So, anyway, i'm going to rest a little for now. Byebye! (^^)
P.S. Did i mention that we only ordered donuts about, oh, i don't know, TWO HOURS after we sat there spazzing and flailing around in general? LOL. We're lucky we weren't kicked out or anything, but then, how *could* they kick us out after we attempted to free one of the employees that had accidentally gotten locked in the back room? there was a problem with the doorknob, haha. The guard finally managed to get it open after I requested long-nosed pliers from the Hobby and Crafts store that shares the space with Cello's Donuts. And then suggested that they put tape over the hole where the tumbler falls into in the doorframe, so that the door wouldn't lock anymore. because another employee got locked in. (ROFL XD)
Labels: food, madness, ochibi gets her own tag, omg, random, school, seigaku