Happy New Year, everyone! (^o^)
My family and I went to Eastwood for their New Year Countdown. However, since we really just wanted to wait for the fireworks display, we waited in a nearby McDonald's Cafe. (>_<)
My last hour of 2009 was spent sipping a cup of tea, taking photos, and counting down to 2010 with a crowd.
2009's last cup of tea. It was good. (>_<)
My niece/godchild. I love her, she's so adorable. (>o<) She's growing up so beautifully, i hope she's a good kid, i rarely see her, honestly (she's my cousin's daughter and i rarely do see my cousin). I want to be a good godmother...
Of course once the countdown started we went back to the main event and watched the clock tick down the last few seconds of 2009, and then the chaos began.

Confetti showered down...

And fireworks went off.

It was fun. Fireworks at midnight, and of course konked out to sleep later that morning. Little did i expect Ochibi to invite me to a New year's party at their place. Even though i got there at around 10pm, i stayed till around 5am chatting with them, other people, and spazzing about Tenimyu. (^^;) We forgot to watch the sun rise (Though i don't think we would have seen it anyway)

I hope everyone's New Year was as good. (>o<) May 2010 be better for all of us, yeah? (^^)
Labels: adorable, family, holiday, madness, ochibi gets her own tag, outing, party, sky