My Idols

I love these men, they are amazing and have made an impact on my life.

Copyright Issues?

This blog's coding is (c) Wan Kimm, 2009. Just tweaked it a bit. All icon links to other blogs are made by me. Images for the actor's icons are taken from the header images of their official blogs. I am in no way affiliated with these artists or their agencies.

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So today turned out to be a double celebration--it was our parish priest's birthday and my fellow lector/commentator Dab's 18th birthday. (^^)
The party was fun, although I had to leave slightly early since school starts tomorrow--actually, in a couple of hours. (^^;)
The venue was in this local restaurant that was built near the river, so i tried to take a photo of the bridge. Sadly, my cellphone camera is not up to par, but i tried. (>_<)

The lights are kind of pretty. (^^)

Also, i had my first attempt at omuraisu the other day! (^o^)
(Omuraisu/Omurice = Omelet+ fried rice, for those who don't know)
Admittedly, it wasn't as good as i had expected, perhaps my fried rice isn't strongly flavored enough? or the scrambled egg? Not sure. I'll probably attempt this another time. (^^;)
But it's nice to know i can cook an omelet without ruining it. (^^)

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