Nikki finally had time to visit after her return from her Junior Term Abroad. We hadn't seen her for almost 6 months, so yeah. We were very happy at her return (^o^) We flailed around at Gus's apartment watching Junjou Romantica and basically just being randomm.
We had dinner at Flaming Wings! (^o^) Hadn't eaten there in a while, so it was good. (>_<)
As a token for me, Nikki gave me Kraft Handi-snacks! I haven't tasted these since i was, what, ten? Maa. (>_<)
Here, here, proof of my self-control--there were still TWO left at the end of the day, okay guys? (>o<)
...Of course there were none left by the next morning... (coughs)
To top it all off, Ochibi made a surprise visit! I was so worried about her--she and her family had had a recent car accident on their way to Abra, and from what she told me, they were all very lucky to be alive. (>_<) the damage done to their car was horrifying, I'm so glad they're all back in Manila, safe and recovering from their wounds.
I'm so glad. (>o<)
Labels: lolwhat, madness, ochibi gets her own tag, omg, random, school, yayz